FREE Taste of Improv Workshop - October 11th
Free Interactive Workshop: 3 Crucial Ways Improvisation makes you Confident, Creative & Compelling
Ever feel awkward at a party?
Or nervous presenting an idea at work?
Or anxious speaking in front of an audience?
We understand.
Wouldn't you love to have the confidence of our alumni like Bill Murray or Bonnie Hunt and always know just the right thing to say and do in the moment? Players Workshop is the oldest independent school of improvisation in the country. Thousands of our alums have applied the principles of improvisation to heighten their life and work experiences. You can too. Your facilitator will introduce you to the basic principles of this art form in a safe space, so you can apply what you learn in everyday life. We'll help you replace the urge to fight, flight or freeze with the tools improvisers have successfully used onstage for years. Feel confident and creative, no matter what the situation. Sign up now!
After the event, participants will receive our e-book The Answer is Always: Yes And.
Teacher: Doug Voegtle & Jeff Rogers
Date / Time: Wednesday October 11th, 6:30PM-8:30PM
This class is FREE
Learning Environment Commitment
Players Workshop is dedicated to creating a safe, non-judgmental learning environment for our students and teachers. If you're doing it right, you'll find out some truths about yourself and the world at large that may surprise you. This can lead to feeling vulnerable, which is why we maintain a safe space for students to work in. We steadfastly believe in creating a space of unconditional and universal acceptance for everyone as they choose to define themselves. However, we will enforce a zero tolerance for exclusionary or threatening behavior (physical or verbal) of any kind.
Basically, be nice. We're all just astronauts on a rock that's floating through be nice!